Elizabethan Mask
Elizabethan Mask
Make a simple mask from card or other materials.
- Card (cereal packets will do)
- Elastic, ribbon or string
- Colouring or painting things
- Trimmings – whatever you can find
- This one has feathers and sequins
- Hole punch ( to punch holes in the card)
- A stick or tube for a handle (optional)
- Print mask template (available as a pdf below) onto card
- If your card won’t go through the printer, print onto paper, then glue it to the card
- With a hole punch, make a hole on each side of the mask, for the elastic
- Add elastic, ribbon or string
- Paint or colour the mask
- Add your decorations
![Mask Template](/media/pszc3lpx/mask-link2-01.jpg)
Print Your Mask Template
Masks were sometime carried, not worn on the face. You can make a handle for your mask by using a stick, a narrow cardboard tube, or by rolling some card into a tube.
Romeo and Juliet meet at a party where masks are worn.
Design masks for both Romeo and Juliet.
Romeo and Juliet is set in Italy, where Venice is particularly famous for its masks in the carnival season.
Romeo and Juliet meet at a party where masks are worn.
Design masks for both Romeo and Juliet.
Romeo and Juliet is set in Italy, where Venice is particularly famous for its masks in the carnival season.
Other Costume activities:
These activities will be enjoyed by children and adults of all ages.
The activities are rated according to difficulty and level of parental involvement: these descriptions are intended as a rough guide only.
We have rated them to help parents of children aged 8-13, on the assumption that above this age supervision is rarely required, and that below it, supervision is generally required.