Stir-Up Shakespeare, by Brownsea Open Air Theatre

Location Quiz

Location Quiz

Location Quiz Worksheet

Print of the Location Quiz Worksheet



Look at a map of the world. Find each country on the map, then find the town or place where Shakespeare imagined his characters to live.

We know that Shakespeare never travelled abroad, so how do you think he knew about these places? If you look in the History section of the ‘Stir Up Shakespeare’ website, you might find some clues.

Imagine what it might be like in a strange, faraway land. Describe what it is like in a story, poem or letter, or make a picture.

Stir Up Shakespeare Gallery

If you would like your work to feature in our online gallery, send a photo of your completed project by email or tag us on social media:
Instagram: brownsea_open_air_theatre
Facebook: @BrownseaOpenAirTheatre
Twitter: @brownseatheatre

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These activities will be enjoyed by children and adults of all ages. The activities are rated according to difficulty and level of parental involvement: these descriptions are intended as a rough guide only. We have rated them to help parents of children aged 8-13, on the assumption that above this age supervision is rarely required, and that below it, supervision is generally required.

Easy : Set it up and off they go.
Intermediate : Some help needed.
Hard : Challenge yourself.