Tonight's performance of Macbeth is expected to go ahead as scheduled................. Please ensure that your tickets are printed off to show on Poole Quay and be mindful of the earlier boat times this year as printed on your tickets. With performances starting at 7pm the last boat leaves Poole Quay at 6:15pm. Due to Poole Harbour Festival, a music event attracting thousands, there is the expectation of heavy traffic this evening - please ensure you aim to travel early to Poole Quay.....ONE SPARE TICKET AVAILABLE. Go to CONTACT (select 'Tickets and patrons') to book it!
Brownsea Open Air Theatre - behind the scemes

BOAT Talks

“Not so much a speaker, more a cast” said a club secretary after a visit to her society by our Talks Team, “and so informative and entertaining.  Quite one of our best evenings”.

Did you know that BOAT gives illustrated talks about its productions?  Our team consists of members full of enthusiasm, experience and the ability to share it with others in a lively way.  We are willing to travel long(ish) distances to meet audiences large or small such as Rotary, W.I., or book clubs.  If your members have a particular interest, such as props, costumes (all of which we make), set design or “How does it all come together?”, we aim to produce a team of speakers specialising in that field.

We make no charge, although a donation of any size to the Charity is always welcome.

For more information or to book a talk, please telephone the Talks Co-ordinator, Eileen Rawlings on 01202 776390.

BOAT Talks

Some of the topics we cover are -

- ‘How it all began’ is about our formative days in the 1960s.

- ‘Getting the performance up and running’ brings you up to date with all that happens unseen.

- ‘Set design, build and lighting’ explains how we create mood and atmosphere



Engaging, witty, and a joy to watch

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Not to be missed!